Dear Parents / Guardians
A warm welcome to Phoenix Integrated Primary School and Nursery where we aim to give an insight into the work and life of the school. As an integrated school we provide an opportunity for children of all faiths and none, from different cultural and social backgrounds to be educated together. We firmly believe that normalising the education experience for children contributes to peace building in Northern Ireland.
We work hard to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum and look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure your child reaches their full potential. We set high standards in learning and behaviour and encourage every child to do their best. The Governors and staff of the school are committed to creating a positive forward thinking learning environment for all children. Phoenix is a safe, happy and fun place to learn.
If you would like to find out more about our school please contact me on hwatson896@c2kni.net
Mrs Heather Watson
We are delighted that you are considering Phoenix Integrated Primary School for your child. As part of our ethos we encourage and nurture positive relationships with families and believe this a key indicator in children’s happiness and success.
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Admission Information
Interested in a place at Phoenix for your child? We held our Open Day on Wednesday 18th December and were delighted with the response. We shared information related to the school and our integrated ethos. Prospective parents got an opportunity meet the staff team and have a look around our beautiful new school. Don't worry if you weren't able to attend. Visit the admissions page in the parent's section for more information about the school and the application process. The online admission process opens for applications on Friday 10th January and closes on Friday 24th.
Admission criteria for Nursery and Year 1 is also available on our admissions page and on the Education Authority website. (see link on our admission page).
Phoenix Integrated Primary & Nursery School, 80 Fountain Road, Cookstown, Co Tyrone, BT80 8QF Tel: 028 8675 7096